Export device configuration - new traccar installation

Giovanni Ramirez6 years ago

Hi Everyone!

I've been using traccar in Linux since mid 2018, an excellent tool!

Now the environment I have has grown so quickly, having around 80 devices so far. I started with the default H2 database, and I'm preparing a new environment for the use of MariaDB database...I plan to leave the current environment as an historic server (having data from August 2018, a 25 GB H2 unique-file!), but I need to export only the device configuration to the new environment

Could you please tell me how can I do that?


Best Regards


Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

Use api for import export

Giovanni Ramirez6 years ago

Hi Ernesto

Thanks for the reply... I'm novice in some issues around this app (java, especially).. could you please give some additional hints or links to documentation in order to to the devie export / import to the new environment?

Thanks for your help

Best Regards