Eview trackers from China

per774 years ago

We have purchased some trackers from eview for use with our hunting dogs, but can not find the right port to be able to see them on Traccar.

We have tried our best to read the documentation, but have not become much wiser. Does anyone have experience with the Eview EV-202 in relation to the Traccar?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago


per774 years ago

I deleted the current log as I wanted to stop 2 cell phone clients before I started testing with the tracker. Thought traccar would generate a new current log file but no new one has arrived? I only have the files from the last 6 days?
I have received a protocol from Eview, but I have no experience with trackers.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you restarted server after deleting log?

per774 years ago

I didnt stop the server!!

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

If you are removing actively used file, of course you have to restart.

per774 years ago

I am learning...

Has set the Chinese to send to port 5001 and gets the following log every time it sends.

2021-04-04 20:47:33 INFO: [131f22de] connected
2021-04-04 20:47:33 INFO: [131f22de: gps103 <] HEX: ab183f0030e006010310013836383833323034383031323037312a300000000000000000323032312f30312f3330000031313a32320000330330
2021-04-04 20:48:04 INFO: [131f22de: gps103 <] HEX: ab183f0030e006010310013836383833323034383031323037312a300000000000000000323032312f30312f3330000031313a32320000130330
2021-04-04 20:48:04 INFO: [131f22de: gps103>] HEX: 4f4e
2021-04-04 20:48:34 INFO: [131f22de: gps103 <] HEX: ab183f0030e006010310013836383833323034383031323037312a300000000000000000323032312f30312f3330000031313a32320000330330
2021-04-04 20:48:34 INFO: [131f22de: gps103>] HEX: 4f4e
2021-04-04 20:49:04 INFO: [131f22de] disconnected
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Try minifinder2 port.

per774 years ago

I had already set it up with port 5062 (minifinder) but can not get it online on traccar. Thought I had tried everything ....

Anton Tananaev4 years ago


per774 years ago

Hi Anton

Thanks for quick support.

Eview has write to me "... this port is using the new protocol, 5187"

The trackers are online now :)

br per