Event - device is moving

Arlind6 years ago


i have the following problem with he events "Device is Moving" and "Device has stopped"

The event "Device is Moving" triggers once and then it is not triggered for many hours. I think the main problem is "Device has stopped". This event is triggered only occasionally. Without a "device has stopped" event, the server doesn't trigger the "device is moving" event any more.

Trips, Stops, Routes, etc. everything is recognized without problem.

Here is my config:

<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>60</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>200</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration'>900</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalParkingDuration'>600</entry>
    <entry key='status.updateDeviceState'>true</entry>
    <entry key='event.enable'>true</entry>
    <entry key='event.motion.speedThreshold'>0.01</entry>

Does any one know how to solve my Problem

shyy6 years ago

event.motion.speedThreshold try to increase the Threshold to 1

   <entry key='event.motion.speedThreshold'>1</entry>
Arlind6 years ago


I tried increasing Threshold to 1, but i didn't have an effect. I have still the same Problem.
The speed is recognised as 0,00 kph when the vehicle is not moving. So there should'nt be a problem with the speed

Could it be a problem, that my device goes into an idle/sleep mode 5 minutes after the vehicle stops?

jay5 years ago

Please help with above issue