ev-07w using port 5062 in Traccar

asher7 years ago


I have used port 5062 in Traccar and I am getting this log.

However, live map does not see this device on our platform. log shows below:

2017-10-18 03:43:15 DEBUG: [0007462D: 5062 <] HEX: 21442c31382f31302f31372c30333a34323a34362c34342e3031353033302c2d37392e3830303730352c302c302c3038303030312c3237312e382c33322c392c31362c302e393b

we do not see the device on the map.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please provide full connection session log.

asher7 years ago

Hi Anton, I will send this log through email as we can not attach files here.

asher7 years ago

For the device ev-07s that you mentioned we should use port 5062. I changed the port and I see the logs however, It does not show up in the live map server.

attached is the log.​​



asher7 years ago
asher7 years ago

Please look at the port 5062. device ev-7w or ev-7s does not show on the map.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

This is what I see:

2017-10-18 02:24:54 DEBUG: [FF11FA4B: 5062 <] HEX: 21312c3335353835343035303432303734353b
2017-10-18 02:24:54  WARN: Unknown device - 355854050420745 (

Which means that you haven't registered your device with correct id.