Error with a database already in use. (postgresql)

mrchala7 years ago

Hello Anton. I have a problem, the traccar server was running with a database and it stopped working. when trying to make it work it gives me an error.

INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|INFO 7/11/18 12:27 PM: liquibase: ./schema/changelog-master.xml: changelog-3.8::changelog-3.8-dropuniquetoken::author: Change set changelog-3.8::changelog-3.8-dropuniquetoken::author failed, but failOnError was false.  Error: ERROR: constraint "uk_user_token" of relation "users" does not exist [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE public.users DROP CONSTRAINT uk_user_token]
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|INFO 7/11/18 12:27 PM: liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @10319ms
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I was reading similar problems in the forum but I did not find the solution, because the problem I have is a database already in use.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If this is addressed to me and you want some reply, I would recommend writing in English.

mrchala7 years ago

Sorry, the query has already been modified.

mrchala7 years ago

Hello Anton. I have a problem, the traccar server was running with a database and it stopped working. when trying to make it work it gives me an error.

INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|INFO 7/11/18 12:27 PM: liquibase: ./schema/changelog-master.xml: changelog-3.8::changelog-3.8-dropuniquetoken::author: Change set changelog-3.8::changelog-3.8-dropuniquetoken::author failed, but failOnError was false. Error: ERROR: constraint "uk_user_token" of relation "users" does not exist [Failed SQL: ALTER TABLE public.users DROP CONSTRAINT uk_user_token]
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|INFO 7/11/18 12:27 PM: liquibase: Successfully released change log lock
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @10319ms
INFO|4134/0|Service traccar|18-07-11 12:27:14|java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I was reading similar problems in the forum but I did not find the solution, because the problem I have is a database already in use.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can safely ignore this error.

mrchala7 years ago
