Error when showing address

Ary André4 months ago

When i click in "show address" in the log file i get the following error message:

2024-10-29 22:41:43  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 400 Bad Request - BadRequestException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ServerResource:121 < ... < OverrideFilter:49 < ...)

I configure the file traccar.xml with this lines:

<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.processInvalidPositions'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>owngeocoder</entry>

the version of traccar is 6.4

Can someone resolve this for me?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You're using an invalid geocoder type.

Ary André4 months ago

I am using the geocoder that I had created and it worked in version 4.8.

I declare it in the file main.module:

case "owngeocoder" -> new OwnGeocoder(client, url, key, language, cacheSize, addressFormat);

What I see is that now a "client" parameter is passed, what value does this variable expect?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Sounds like you're not using Traccar 6.4. You're using some custom fork and moreover it's failing exactly on your customization.