Error API Bad Message 414 reason: URI Too Long

Josue5 years ago

Hi, good day, is working with the api of traccar, have 1000 devices in my server, but when I send the parameters to return the summary information of all the vehicles, it returns the following error:
Bad Message 414
reason: URI Too Long

The server has 256gb of ram, 10 cores and a lot of space, so it is not a server.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The error seems pretty self-explanatory. Are you putting all 1000 device IDs in the URL?

Josue5 years ago

Yes, of course, but I should accept any amount, even more so having the server I have.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

There's a limit on the URL length. If you want to request a report for all your devices you should add them to a group and request a group report instead.

Josue4 years ago

Is possible increase that limit? to send the request by device ..?
how much is the maximum in characters?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You should probably check Jetty documentation.