Error 502 bad gateway using mysql

Amado2 years ago

I installed traccar with default database: works ok
Then I did changes in traccar.xml to enable mysql. Mysql service is active and running. tracker-server.log shows tables were created ok. Tracar service active and running.
After refresh login page shows error 502 bad gateway
I see several error In browsers's console starting with +> GET https://mydomain/styles.css (I just change my real domain by mydomain)
I suspect this has something to do with database.url entry in traccar.xml. Documentation says it should be set to localhost

What can be wrong?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Why are you starting a new thread? Didn't you already have exactly the same problem?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago
Amado2 years ago

This is a new symptom. I already resolved the former problem , it was due to apache2 listening to the same port. I killed this process and make free port 80. Now only nginx is listening in port 80.
I opened a new thread because I wanted to focus in this new problem to avoid confusions

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

How did you solve the original problem with the database lock? It had nothing to do with the apache or nginx.

Amado2 years ago

I don't know why but after testing some solutions the login page stops responding completely (browser's says the "site is down")
Now with this 502 error I have new errors in tracker-server.log:

2023-08-06 15:48:29  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2023-08-06 15:48:34 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - Connection refused - ConnectException
(... < DatabaseModule:79 < <gener:-1 < *:-1 < ... < MainModule:123 < ...)
2023-08-06 15:48:34 ERROR: Main method error - Connection refused - ConnectException (... < DatabaseModule:79
 < <gener:-1 < *:-1 < ... < MainModule:123 < ...)
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Your database doesn't accept the connection, as you can see.

Connection refused

So either something is wrong with the database or with the database URL.

Amado2 years ago

I'm really confused. traccar created the mysql tables successfully after making the changes in traccar.xml and rebooting.
Why it cannot connect from the web page?
Regarding <entry> "database.url" y tried changing the recommended value "localhost" with localhost:3306, also with "ipaddress" and ipaddress:3306, ipaddress is the ip of my vps. Problem still remains

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I don't know why, but that's the reason. Have you tried connecting to the database directly to test it?

Amado2 years ago

While in the mysql's installation process, it ask to allow/disallow remote access. I set to "disallow" for security reasons so that only localhost can access it. Do you think that can be a problem for traccar?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Definitely can. It probably means it doesn't listen on a network port, which is what Java driver uses.

Amado2 years ago

I allowed connection to mysql from any ip. The problem is still there.
What ports do traccar need opened to work with mysql?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you actually enabled it in MySQL itself?

Amado2 years ago

I changed bind-address from 127.0.01. to in mysql in mysqld.cnf (mysql configuration file), then I restarted mysql service

Amado2 years ago

I could not fix the database lock with UNLOCK TABLES in mysql console. So I had to reinstall mysql and now it is working correctly