Entries in Logs - data from device

Dibbs5 years ago


Apologies if this has been answered, I did try a search on the forums 1st but didn't find any answer.

In the traccar-server.log in /opt/traccar/logs (Linux) there are entries of the form

2020-08-04 15:15:20  INFO: [aaae5326: teltonika <] HEX: long_string
2020-08-04 15:15:20  INFO: [aaae5326: teltonika >] HEX: 00000001
2020-08-04 15:15:31  INFO: [aaae5326: teltonika <] HEX: long_string
2020-08-04 15:15:31  INFO: [aaae5326: teltonika >] HEX: 00000001

[I've anonymised the IP and replaced the hex with long_string where it's a long string for brevity]

The device is set to send every 60s but generate records every 15s - leading me to think it could send up to 4 records in one payload\transmission?

Is there any way to figure out if multiple records came in the same payload/transmission? Or is it not possible?

Thanks in advance


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It is definitely possible. You should see it in the log.

Dibbs5 years ago

Hi Anton,

Many thanks for the reply.

Apologies if I sound dense - but how? I posted a small snippet of the log in my original post. Even looking at more records - nothing jumps out.

Is the time stamp of the record related to the payload/transmission? Or is it related to the packet in the payload/transmission that's been decoded?

