Unfortunately new protocol used by Traccar Client is based on HTTP, so it doesn't support messaging from server to client.
I believe this protocol responds back with an acknowledgement right?
Maybe in the near feature if Protocol permits, you can keep this is a possibility (Commands need not be real-time in this particular scenario).
Instead, Whenever the Location update is (Pushed by client to server) along with the acknowledgement if a flag is returned true that a command has been initiated. then the app can query another probably api to retrieve new configurations etc.
I am not a programmer, Still I am trying to implement something like this into the android client now :) just for R&D Purpose.
Yes, it should be possible to send something back with the acknowledgement message.
Dear Anton,
One thought, I am using Gt06n and you have enabled command option for (Tracking devices.)
Wouldn't it be a good idea to support Commands for (Mobile Clients as well.), if the protocol used supports.
Scenario's where it can help.