Does anyone know if the eelink TK319 tracker is supported on traccar. We have tried the eelink 5064 port as well as a load of other but with no luck. I am wondering whether as the tracker is a relatively new release whether the device protocol wasn't supported yet.
Here are our logs....
2019-05-30 16:04:19 INFO: [e1babf29] connected
2019-05-30 16:04:19 INFO: [e1babf29: eelink < <IP>] HEX: 7e0100002504407489798500000000000045454c494e45454c494e4b2d4b3900000000000000000000005254407489798500327e7e0100002504407489798500010000000045454c494e45454c494e4b2d4b3900000000000000000000005254407489798500337e7e0100002504407489798500020000000045454c494e45454c494e4b2d4b3900000000000000000000005254407489798500307e7e0100002504407489798500030000000045454c494e45454c494e4b2d4b3900000000000000000000005254407489798500317e
2019-05-30 16:04:19 INFO: [e1babf29: eelink > <IP>] HEX: 67670000020440
2019-05-30 16:04:19 WARN: [e1babf29] error - Adjusted frame length exceeds 1024: 29838 - discarded - TooLongFrameException (... < WrapperInboundHandler:57 < ... < StandardLoggingHandler:43 < ... < NetworkMessageHandler:37 < ...)
2019-05-30 16:04:19 INFO: [e1babf29] disconnected
That's not a eeLink protocol. Try Huabao protocol.
eelink TK319-L tracker is supported on traccar?
2019-07-08 13:00:07 INFO: [ce8ec86e: 5064 >] HEX: 676701000800015d22b1b70100
Does anyone know if the eelink TK319 tracker is supported on traccar. We have tried the eelink 5064 port as well as a load of other but with no luck. I am wondering whether as the tracker is a relatively new release whether the device protocol wasn't supported yet.
Here are our logs....