We are getting the following error with official original Eelink devices running Eelink protocol 2.0 talking to Traccar on the Eelink port:
2022-01-04 23:59:56 INFO: [eaa89bc8: eelink <] HEX: 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
2022-01-04 23:59:56 INFO: [eaa89bc8: eelink >] HEX: 67671200020966
2022-01-04 23:59:56 WARN: [eaa89bc8] error - readerIndex(81) + length(6) exceeds writerIndex(86): AbstractPooledDerivedByteBuf$PooledNonRetainedSlicedByteBuf(ridx: 81, widx: 86, cap: 86/86, unwrapped: PooledDirectByteBuf(ridx: 91, widx: 273, cap: 2048)) - IndexOutOfBoundsException (... < EelinkProtocolDecoder:282 < *:453 < *:398 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2022-01-04 23:59:56 INFO: [eaa89bc8: eelink >] HEX: 67671200020967
2022-01-04 23:59:56 WARN: [eaa89bc8] error - readerIndex(81) + length(6) exceeds writerIndex(86): AbstractPooledDerivedByteBuf$PooledNonRetainedSlicedByteBuf(ridx: 81, widx: 86, cap: 86/86, unwrapped: PooledDirectByteBuf(ridx: 182, widx: 273, cap: 2048)) - IndexOutOfBoundsException (... < EelinkProtocolDecoder:282 < *:453 < *:398 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2022-01-04 23:59:56 INFO: [eaa89bc8: eelink >] HEX: 67671200020968
2022-01-04 23:59:56 WARN: [eaa89bc8] error - readerIndex(81) + length(6) exceeds writerIndex(86): AbstractPooledDerivedByteBuf$PooledNonRetainedSlicedByteBuf(ridx: 81, widx: 86, cap: 86/86, unwrapped: PooledDirectByteBuf(ridx: 273, widx: 273, cap: 2048)) - IndexOutOfBoundsException (... < EelinkProtocolDecoder:282 < *:453 < *:398 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:52 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2022-01-04 23:59:56 INFO: [eaa89bc8] disconnected
Has this been seen before and is there a known solution for what this error refers to?
My guess is that something changed in the protocol and the server needs to be updated.
Ah yes, I have checked with Eelink and the current version of the protocol is v2.2, are there any plans to update Traccar to the current protocol version soon?
Are you interested in sponsoring the work?
How much would it cost? Thanks
Send us an email with protocol documentation and we'll estimate the cost. If the difference is minimal, it should be relatively cheap.
We are getting the following error with official original Eelink devices running Eelink protocol 2.0 talking to Traccar on the Eelink port:
Has this been seen before and is there a known solution for what this error refers to?