Edit device with json in URL.

Lykourgos5 years ago

Hi i am trying to edit a device but i am trying to do it by sending the json data in the URL.
I am using this tool to encode the data, bellow i have an example of the url


but i receive the following responce : HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed - NotAllowedException (...)
I have tried sending the request via postman with the data in the body just like the web app does it and it works. But i am trying to connect traccar to bitrix24 and it can only connect to webhooks via URL. Any ideas what am i doing wrong ?
Thank you for your time.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago
  1. You have to send request as PUT request, not GET.
  2. JSON has to be in the body. You can't send it as a query parameter.
Lykourgos5 years ago

Thank you for the quick response and the usefull information.
Is there a way to enable and disable the device via URL request ?
If there isn't a way such a feature would be extremely usefull to connect traccar directly to other platforms.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Not possible at the moment.