The default view (unless you specify a lat/lon/zoom in Preferences) sets the lat/lon to a center point of all devices and zooms to just the right level where those devices are visible.
This is great, and the behavior I want to keep. However the default zoom level is JUST big enough, so the outer-most devices get half of their icon and name cut off. Is there a way to set the "default" zoom level to be a bit more out?
How would you like me to report? I'm not really sure what I would provide for debug beyond the above in a GitHub issue. It's pretty easy to reproduce with two devices.
Two devices, latest version:

The default view (unless you specify a lat/lon/zoom in Preferences) sets the lat/lon to a center point of all devices and zooms to just the right level where those devices are visible.
This is great, and the behavior I want to keep. However the default zoom level is JUST big enough, so the outer-most devices get half of their icon and name cut off. Is there a way to set the "default" zoom level to be a bit more out?