Doubt about configuring LBS location on the server

control taken2 years ago

cordial greeting, I write for the reason that I have a question about how to configure the geolocation.

Having the API key from google geolocation

I know that the default locations that we obtain from the gps device are by GPS signal from the module installed in the vehicle, but sometimes they enter "zones" where there is no GPS signal, such as Sonatanos, metro, so I want to be able to locate the device through LBS I keep in mind that in this way the location is not very precise but even so with the distance filters that would increase the precision.

The specific question is the following:
What parameter could I use so that Traccar automatically receives the LBS location of the device if it is in a basement and does not have a GPS signal?

I understand that traccar receives the information of the device location by the gps signal but how could I configure it so that only in cases where there is no gps signal it triangulates the location by LBS taking into account that I already have the configuration parameters of the geolocation API from google but

How could I make the two forms of gps and LBS location work for me on the platform and configuring only LBS when I do not have a GPS signal in order to save money so that I am not using LBS geolocation all the time?

I am attentive to your contributions in this question, I plan to acquire the geolocation service with google but I have this question and the best place is here in the forum. I hope I have made myself understood well, thank you very much for your time in reading and contributing if possible =)

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That's a question to your device vendor. It's not really about the server.

Track-trace2 years ago

@control taken

Would be logic that you state which tracking device you actually use.
Since normally any tracker that can report, GPS, LBS or Wifi will just report if the GPS position is Valid. If the device reports that GPS is not valid (when there are to little signals from different satellites in the area for instance because the tracker is indoors) then the reported Cell towers of Wifi mac addresses will be used to determine a calculated position..

So to answer your question, you should check what data the device actually sends by looking at traccar/log
In situations when the device is outdoors and indoors and reports the position.

You can just setup google geolocation service (it wont cost you anything for testing with a few devices).

control taken2 years ago

I understand, with what you said I resolved a part of the doubt, I am going to proceed with the tests since I first wanted to investigate the subject to have a clear vision of it. I am going to activate the Google geolocation api key and place it on my server and I will use Concox, Cobán Teltonika devices and a ruptela to look at the variations, although it would be excellent if you have certain models that you can suggest to me to be a little more precise in my tests for no unnecessary laps would be totally grateful. And thank you very much for your input.

Track-trace2 years ago

Hi, Actually what are you going to use it for ? I would suggest devices which can also report Wifi locations like trackers for People, Pets or luggage etc, then i would suggest using unencrypted devices that use the watch protocol. Because Wifi is much more accurate then LBS and works indoors when there are wifi routers / hotspots nearby.
LBS in general can be 200 meters to 5 KM variance compared to the real position (depending on amount of cell towers in the area. In my city it normally is 200 to 300 meter radius. But outside the city it can be 1 km to 5km. So in my opinion not good for tracking.
Wifi can be 5 meters to 100 meters variance compared to the real position. So much easier to locate the device and at times more accurate then GPS.
But you should also understand that in a metro or subway as you mention, there might not be any phone signal for internet (gprs). Still the device needs a internet connection to report the position (or store it temporarily).