Do I need Mapbox???

Ron6 years ago

So I was thinking I would use Traccar server in conjunction with Mapbox (I don't know why...just thought I needed something like Mapbox). However now that I have Traccar setup and have devices using it, I am starting to wonder why I need Mapbox or Google Maps subscription.

We are using Traccar to add devices and store their locations. We will use the Traccar API to display all of that data (realtime locations and history) inside of our own web app. We will also need to create geofences inside our webapp. There will be no directions, routing, distance calcs etc.

So my questions...Do I really need mapbox or just a mapbox/google maps layer in my web app to display the location data on?


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You don't. I would recommend using OpenStreetMap if map data is good in your area.

Ron6 years ago

Ok what is the point of Mapbox and Google maps API? Are you guys an open source competitor?

Ron6 years ago

Scratch this last question. Thanks Anton!