pmc20059 years ago

good afternoon, besides excellent application and its many features. I commented install traccar 3.6 server and need to calculate distance traveled. traccar.xml modify distance.enable = true but do not see the application in the field of distance traveled, thank you very much

pd. APOLOGY FOR MY limited English proficiency

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Distance should be stored in "attributes" field in JSON format.

pmc20059 years ago

the route is /opt/traccar/app/store/Attributes.js


Ext.define('Traccar.store.Attributes', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
    model: 'Traccar.model.Attribute',

    sorters: [{
        property: 'priority'

you have to add a line and instruction is needed ??
thank you very much

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I don't understand the question.

pmc20059 years ago


muchas gracias, funciona

thank you very much, works

symon9 years ago

Hi. I add key

<entry key='filter.distance'>true</entry>
<entry key='distance.enable'>true</entry>

in /conf/traccar.xml
And after restart service "traccar"
But i not see distance in web page.
What i do wrong?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It will be calculated for new records only. Make sure you are not looking at the old data.

symon9 years ago

Yes. Distance in new records have. But i see distance only point. It`s can show calculated distance from point A to point B?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Distance in reports will be available in next release. For now you can only see accumulated distance.

symon9 years ago

Ok. Thanks you! My company will donate your project if its like my head of project. You do Great work!

symon9 years ago

today i test distance. my all way 20km. But Traccar show all time diferent distance. A to B 15km, B to C, 7km.... and all times its diferent distance. I use client for iphone and checkpoint in setting 60 sec.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I would recommend to take a look at the track. It should explain where the error came from.