Distance and total distance issue

Ashok Chandra9 months ago

Distance in api
Distance in status card

Distance showing wrongly in status card

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

What's the issue? You have to explain the problem.

Ashok Chandra9 months ago

issue with distance that is show in status card, not showing correctly it's value changing like 0.1 0.2 0.3 then auto go back 0.1 or 0.2 every time same issue I have check with demo3 server facing same issue.

But in position api data show correctly.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Do you know what the distance mean? Can you explain why it's incorrect?

Ashok Chandra9 months ago

I think it's one point to another point distance.

I Sayed it's showing wrongly because api data and status cards data mismatchd.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

You're looking at different data points. Of course it's not going to be the same.

Ashok Chandra9 months ago

Thank for resolving. :)