Disconnected devices

tambiu7 years ago


Is there a way to set a time in seconds to receive an notification when my device is disconnected after set this time ?

I know there is status.timout in seconds, that we can set and receive noitification when devices go to unknown status.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can't delay offline notification, if that's what you are asking. But you can set connection timeout.

tambiu7 years ago

connection timeout is the same status.timeout config ?

Because I would to receive notification when the devices stay disconnected after 20 minutes for example.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

No, it's not the same.

tambiu7 years ago

so, where can I set this config "connection timeout" ? I have read the configuration file and I did not find it.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Before asking questions like this, please read official documentation.


tambiu7 years ago

I said "I have read the configuration file" https://www.traccar.org/configuration-file/

And I did not find what you have said about "connection timeout"

I have found only these configs

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There is one that says:

Connection timeout value in seconds.

Not sure how much clearer it can be.