Device tracing straight line in curve.

Tracker2 years ago

Is there any way to improve the tracing on the path of the devices so that in curves they don't make a straight line? Thanks!
Description text

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Sounds like a device question to me. Some devices let you configure location reporting logic. For example, you might want to enable location reporting on heading change to avoid those issues.

Tracker2 years ago

Okay Anton, thanks! the same happens when using the traccar client app.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The answer is the same - configuration.

Tracker2 years ago

Ok, Thanks!
congratulations for the beautiful work with tracer and apps.

Track-trace2 years ago

To me it just looks like the update interval. How much seconds between each update?

Tracker2 years ago

Hello @Track-trace!

30s with the key on and 5m off, would it be something related to the angle? it's 25

Track-trace2 years ago


You should think about the logic of movement and time. Because your device sends it position every 30 seconds while moving. So if you are on the highway you drive a long distance within 30 seconds. And logicly on the map you only see the actual positions that the device has sent.

If you could change the upload frequency in your device, you would see a better route when your device sends its position every 5 or 10 seconds.

But actually, What you would like to see is something i posted a question about. It is called Snap to roads , (but it seems there is no interest for it since nobody replied on that thread)..

When implemented with traccar server or the traccar app it could transform your routes to the road itself and not near the road.
They provide an opensource server also.

Tracker2 years ago

I didn't understand what you wanted to say.
(but it seems that there is no interest in this, since no one replied in that thread).