Never mind, I figured it out. If anyone wants to do it, please comment here.
Hello there!! Please post your solution here sir so we can catch up. Thank you!
Hi Marko, I wrote a function in the DevicesLists.js:
const renderColor = (device) => {
if (device.status == 'online') {
return '#4CAF50';
if (device.status == 'offline') {
return '#CC2222';
if (device.status == 'unknown') {
return '#F3A813';
Then I added the function in the Avatar tag
<Avatar style={{
background: renderColor(item)
That would help you display the device status colors on your devices list.
Hello Anton and everyone, I'm finding a way to apply the device status colors from the old Traccar to the modern UI.
I try to declare the getDeviceColor function in the formatter.js file, then implement that function in the DevicesList.js file. However, the terminal replied that "'Traccar' is not defined no-undef" due to this block. How could I "define" Traccar in the modern directory? Thank you very much.