Device state instability after updating to version 6.0

tecseguridada year ago

After updating from 5.12 to 6.0, the devices permanently switch from online to offline, some even staying offline for a few minutes. These devices don't usually exhibit this issue.

The logs repeatedly show this error, but I'm not sure if it's related to the problem."

 [Tc0c32566] error - Cannot invoke "org.traccar.model.Position.getDeviceId()" because "position" is null - NullPointerException (PositionLogger:46 < ProcessingHandler:180 < PostProcessHandler:64 < ...)
Track-tracea year ago

Why dont you tell which model, which protocol, hex data when the errors occurs etc..

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Please try re-downloading the installer. The issue should be fixed now.

tecseguridada year ago

Thank you, Anton. Indeed, it's no longer failing.

Now the error that appears in the log is error - Connection reset - SocketException (...)

but I assume it's not significant.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's coming from device.

Syed Mujeer Hashmi10 months ago

We are facing this issues with multiple devices of different manufacturers on our server. May be it’s related our server. Can you give us pointers to debug this.

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Yeah. Check the traffic using something like Wireshark to see what's going on.