Device in log but not moving on screem

Qui-gon8 years ago

Tried a search on this but didn't find anything. I had to replace one of my gps103 devices with a new one because the GPS failed in it. I edited the data for the vehicle to change the identifier to the new number and saved it.The device updates the "last update" constantly but the device does not move on the map. I checked the the server log and it is there, the lat and long move with the vehicle as does the speed when it is moving. I have tried restarting the server but the icon stays in the same place as it did when the gps went down in the original device. Is there a setting or parameter I need to change that I have overlooked?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Have you checked "state" panel? What do you see there? Is data updated? Especially you should pay attention to the time there.

Qui-gon8 years ago

The state panel time is 2022 01 11 9:22:34 pm and doesn't change then the devices panel updates.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It doesn't update because it's the "latest" by time. Usually it happens when device reports invalid data.

Solution is to re-create device or manually remove invalid data from the database.

Qui-gon8 years ago

Thanks for the response, it uses the native H2 database so what database tool would you recommend to do this?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Any JDBC-based tool should do it. You can also use embedded Traccar console. To enable it set "web.console" to "true" in the config. Then you can open "http://your-server:8082/console" URL in browser. Many sure you disable it after fixing the problem.

Qui-gon8 years ago

Thanks I'll give it a shot. The data since I changed the tracker yesterday is there when I look at a route for today so it looks like there's an entry earlier in the table that's messing with the current position. Thanks for the help

Qui-gon8 years ago

Update. Problem fixed. I updated the rows in the table rather tan delete them, there were 15 DEVICETIME entries of 2022 xxxxxx and 3800 FIXTIME entries of 2022 xxxxxxx. Just copied SERVERTIME to them and it all works. Any idea what causes the glitch? Thanks.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

As I said earlier, it's usually a device firmware issue.

Zecman7 years ago

Guys you are great! I just have the same problem. A device sends dates from the future?! Today it reports right, routes are ok. But also the effect that it is not moving on map.

HeidiSQL will fix it.

Thanks for the phantastic support here!