Device Arknav CT-X8

riyant9 years ago

Hi All,
I have install Traccar version 3.6 on my Ubuntu server. The device use Arknav CT-X8. But seems didn't work.
Here the logs :

2016-07-28 16:37:15 DEBUG: [6441741F: 5107 <] HEX: 3335313835363034353231333738322c3234313131313b31472c3136303732383039333731332c412c303630382e36333031532c31303635332e32323530452c302e302c35312c312e312c31313030303030303b32472c3136303732383039333731332c30372c36362e352c30302e30342c30342e32302c3030303835353332362e383b

But in Hex Decoder have been decode correctly :


How to add this device ?

Thank You,

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Unfortunately, it seems like this protocol is not supported yet.

riyant9 years ago

In your github, you have arknav protocol. It's for CT-X8 or another arknav devices ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It's for Arknav R9 device.