Device access denied (3.1 Servere) Gt06n Command error

jaimzj10 years ago

Dear Anton,

I tried sending a command to update frequency/stop engine etc.

For a GT06n device, connected with 3.1 server.

I got the error reply Device access denied popup on page.

Please advice?

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

It should only happen if you try to send command to a device that's not linked to your account.

Try to restart the server and see if it still happens.

jaimzj10 years ago

user mapping is done, this device is mapped to admin account thru which i am sending command.
Also, one additional info this same device i have mapped in user_device.. for other accounts as well..

I did try restart, same issue.

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

Can I have an access to your server to check what's going wrong?

jaimzj10 years ago

sure will email you access details...

now the messages are different, i did restart once more...

Command positionPeriodic is not supported in protocol gt06

& for Engine stop (it says device not registered on server.)

Anton Tananaev10 years ago


Command positionPeriodic is not supported in protocol gt06 - this is correct. GT06 supports only two command for now.

Device not registered on server mean that device hasn't connected to the server yet.

jaimzj10 years ago

Okay, so now I get it.

  1. Scenario one, because the Gt06 postionPeridoic is not supported (okay)

  2. Engine Stop, I will try when the vehicle is moving next (so it would be connected to server for sure)

Shall update on here, once that works :)

Thanks a lot Anton.

dimonchik9 years ago

Hello friends!
I have a similar problem:
Command positionPeriodic is not supported in protocol teltonika - RuntimeException (BaseProtocol: 45 <ActiveDevice: 46 <CommandServlet: 40 <...)
Any team is a mistake ...
What should I do? Help me please!
Thank you!

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

@dimonchik, I think the error message is pretty clear. Commands are not supported for Teltonika protocol yet.

dimonchik9 years ago

Thank you so much.
But my device Teltonika FM1100 and the site says it is supported.
What should I do?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It is supported for receiving data, but not for sending commands. In fact I don't even have documentation for Teltonika commands.