date and time JIMIIOT GT06N

dwa month ago

Hello, I hope you can help me, I already searched the forum and did what was suggested but I still can't, I currently configure my GT06N GPS as follows for the Mexico time zone:

When sending the SMS with WHERE#, the date and time is correct 09:38:36, but in Traccar it is incorrect, it has a difference of 6 hours. When I select the GPS it shows me:

set time
01/22/2025, 03:38:36

How can I solve it? thank you

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Your device has to report UTC time to the server.

dwa month ago

How can I do that, I'm currently working on a debian 12 vps

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Same way that you configured your device to report your local timezone. It has nothing to do with the server.

dwa month ago

Listo, lo pude resolver de la siguiente manera por si a alguien le sirve, estableciendo la zona horaria en el servidor que tengo con Debian 12:

entramos como root
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Reiniciamos el Server para que los cambios se actualicen.

Ok, I was able to solve it in the following way in case it helps anyone, setting the time zone on the server I have with Debian 12:

log in as root
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Restart the Server so that the changes are updated.