Customizing deviceOverspeed.vm

Ferchoes7 years ago

Hello Anton,
i would like to costumize the deviceOverspeed.vm template,when a device exceeds the speed. The current structure shows in the mail notification, so:

Exceeds the speed: $speedString

It means, in the email the user will recevice :

Exceeds the speed: 72.8 Km/h

But this info doen't tell the user how much the speed was exceed, therefore i would like to write also the limit speed, so

if for this device the limit was set 70Km/h, my customize line would be, for example:

Exceeds the speed: 72.8 Km/h and the limit is only 70 Km/h.

I can set others variants, but the idea is indicate which speed limit is set for the device.

I see in L.44 that the speedLimit is set event.set(ATTRIBUTE_SPEED_LIMIT, speedLimit); but i can not find the way to get this value in the template, Is there someting variable like $device.speedLimit ?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You should be able to use something like $event.getDouble("speedLimit").