Custom command GT06 device

roneskinder5 years ago

Im trying to send a custom command to device gt06 via Traccar API, but only response i get is

2748413	gt06	939	2020-07-21 13:00:26	2020-07-21 13:00:26	2020-07-21 13:00:07	true	35.900397777777776	-80.09183499999999	0.0	12.419011000000001	59.0		{"result":"Error,Invalid Command","distance":0.0,"totalDistance":2193521.72,"motion":true,"fuel":58.0,"ignition":true,"hours":68}	0.0	null	0

What im sending via API

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic aW5mb0BhdXRvLXNtYXJ0Lm5ldDpMWUpnY0FwIzVLWjJiUXN1' \
--data-raw '{
    "id": 1,
    "attributes": {
        "data": "VERSION#"
    "deviceId": 939,
    "type": "custom",
    "textChannel": false,
    "description": "VERSION"

The tracker-server.log

2020-07-21 13:00:24  INFO: [77b3e64d] id: 861641041987750, command type: custom sent
2020-07-21 13:00:24  INFO: [77b3e64d: gt06 >] HEX: 78782e802800000000343134433431353234443533353034353435343432433446344532433331333233383233000084bc0d0a
2020-07-21 13:00:25  INFO: [464b36c7: gt06 <] HEX: 78780a1346040200020015ef040d0a797900de8c140715110019013137333d302c3232333d312c3238333d30303030306239652c3436333d30303030303030302c3437333d30303030303333372c3438333d30303030303031362c3242333d30303030306564382c3244333d30303030323634382c3335333d30303030303030302c3336333d30303030653239302c3339333d30303030303066362c3330333d30303030303562652c3439333d30303030303066312c3441333d31474357474146463748313133353337352c3341333d30303030303030302c3530333d30303030c703beec1b08d8d211001c620016ca2d0d0a797900a56614071511001a012c323131303d30303031316631632c323130353d30303030323634382c323130623d30303030313235632c323130633d30303030653239302c323130663d30303030316634302c323130643d30303030303030302c323161363d30303030303030302c323130343d30303030303936302c323132663d30303030306564382c3231

According to the protocol documentation 1.6.0 from the device provider the format for a "VERSION#" command its different

The server sends a command to check the firmware version. The command is: VERSION#
Sent from the server:

78 78 12 80 0C 00 00 00 01 56 45 52 53 49 4F 4E 23 00 01 31 34 0D 0A

Device reply:

79 79 00 2A 21 00 00 00 01 01 4D 6F 64 65 6C 3A 53 54 32 47 2C 56 65 73 73 6F 6E 3A 53 54 32 47 31 37 38 4B 4B 31 31 30 33 01 B8 16 5C 0D 0A

Reply content: Model: ST2G, Version: ST2G178KK1103

I dont know what i am missing, Any help with this is appreciated

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

HEX that you provided decodes as "ALARMSPEED,ON,128#" (encoded in HEX twice), so I don't think your log matches your API call.

roneskinder5 years ago

You are absolutely correct, forgot to update the "Saved Command" from the UI, there was a miss-match there, thanks Anton!