Connection incoming with data, but not displayed

mbald9 years ago

Hi everyone.

I have this the config file

<entry key="ulbotech.port">5072</entry>
<entry key="ulbotech.enable">true</entry>
<entry key="ulbotech.resetDelay">130</entry>

The connection is actually incoming. I get this on the logfile

2015-10-30 13:52:46 DEBUG: [09A84795: 5072 <] HEX: 2a545330312c3037343631333537303238363339332c3139353234363330313031352c4750533a333b4e32312e3932383637313b5739392e3938333231383b303b303b302e37382c5354543a303b302c4d47523a363038342c4144433a303b31322e34343b313b36332e36323b323b342e303823

My problem is that nothing appears on the web interface. Which by the way, has already a deviced added with ID 074613570286393, which, when decoding the HEX, seems to be good with the received data.

Where did I get lost?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Traccar currently support only binary format for Ulbotech communication protocol, but your device is sending in text format.

mbald9 years ago

That was correct! I changed to binary format, and worked... Where can I find the additional information that the device is sending? Alarm info and other things...

Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Everything saved in the database. Most of the additional info is stored in "other" field in JSON format.

waterbird4 years ago

how to change text to binary format ,pls help me

HEX: 7878073007e506140e0b260d0a
2021-06-20 14:11:39  INFO: [4f7e9de7: topin <] HEX: 787801570d0a
2021-06-20 14:11:39  INFO: [4f7e9de7: topin <] HEX: 787815b338393931303030393034323534363530393335460d0a
2021-06-20 14:11:59  INFO: [4f7e9de7: topin <] HEX: 78780713314a0819600d0a
2021-06-20 14:12:39  INFO: [4f7e9de7: topin <] HEX: 787800172106201152370301945e57fc38c74657fc38c85a57fc38c664000d0a
2021-06-20 14:14:39  INFO: [4f7e9de7: topin <] HEX: 78780713324a0819640d0a
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Don't understand the question.

waterbird4 years ago

I m done and its working
thanks for you reply