I dont think so.
This is only for the new paj pet 4g.
The old pet 4g and other iaj teackers are using another design
@ gps4pets Actually what do you think about the quality of this 4g tracker. Good gps? Whats the minimum update frequency.
And what a realistic battery life with normal use (2 days)?
The quality in build is good and gps reception is ok. Only cell reception is bad because there is no real antenna build in only the pigo pins on the pcb.
If you look at the seeworld s26l for example there is a flex pcb antenna inside and it is the same Hardware with a little other pcb Design.
You can set the sending interval as low as 1 second.
Battery lifetime depends on the sending intervall and cell coverage.
If you send in a 2 Minute intervall 2 to 3 days on the dog are realistisch.
@Sebastian did you get the ALLROUND Finder 4G to work that's on the paj-gps website right now (magnetic charge) or the old (?) one with the silver line and usb charging?
@mcpower the newer Allround Finder 4G (without the silver line) works with traccar and the german fonic provider (cant set apn, unknown password). The older one cant be configured to another server without the password... :(
My firmware is jst working for PAJ pet 4g with the barcode number B0D4ZC1CJK.
i have got today one with a higher ID (above 9091007500) and the barcode B0CCY3XVX7
this new one is only reacting on serial command with non readable characters.
An other change is that the magnetic charger cable which is for serial too is not compatible the magnets are changes 180degree
ok that was a faulty usb-ttl adapter.
the new ones work normaly over serial.
and i could set a new server and port.
right now waiting for data
I was now able to set the apn and the Traccar server via SMS. (still on the original firmware)
The Traccar log also contains data on the device.
However, I cannot integrate the device into Traccar.
Any advice on which ID I need to use? (Neither the one printed on the device nor the one with the leading ‘1’ that CXZT reports provides data in Traccar)
if it try to connect to traccar you should see an unknown device message in the log.
try that id, but in original state it is normally the id printed on the device without any modification.
please tell me the sms commands to set apn.
I tried to OTA the Firmware by the commands you provide:
This probably didn't work (understandable, since without a set APN there is no access to the URL).
Subsequently, however, I was able to use
IP Server 5013
to successfully set the APN and the Traccar server.
Here is an example of what I see in the log
INFO: [T1f584d0d: h02 <] 7e0100002d01909100587100130022044e373034343443303036445f4f50454e5f4a54383038000000003130303538373102d4c1423031393039187e
INFO: [T1f584d0d: h02 <] 7e0003000001909100587100153f7e
INFO: [T1f584d0d] disconnected
yes i know that you need a working internet connection for the ota update.
thats why i use the original sim card for that.
setting the apn does not work on my devices. so i use the original sim card for ota update
and than i can set all i want.
i am experimenting with the orginal firmware with H02 protocol right now and try to find the right commands send over tcp to use the wifi home mode feature and switching the light and sound
019091005871 is your device id
is your blue gps light on or blinking?
Well, Blue Light is blinking and im actually indoor. Have to try outdoor later.
"so i use the original sim card for ota update"
and than i can set all i want.How did you manage to send SMS commands to original Sim Card?
Great work. Does the flash file also work on other PAJ GPS devices? I think about "Allround Finder" and "People Finder"