Configure icar ik122t

trublue7 months ago


I have an ik122t from icargps which is a collar for tracking dogs.
In the list of supported devices I found the ICAR GPS IK703 with the huabao protocol (port 5015).
It works, but unfortunately I don't get any information about the battery level, charging, etc.
Instead, I unnecessarily receive information about the ignition status, which is nonsense for such devices.

In the Protocoll-list ( I found an entry about ICARGPS in the h02 section (port 5013), but with this setting I get no information from the device.

Does anyone know how I can get more information from this specific device? And maybe how I can send some of the special commands to the device, like turn light and sound on and send shocks (other than via SMS, which is very expensive in the long run)


Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Have you followed the troubleshooting guide?

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Actually I just realized you said you already found the protocol and it worked. Then there's no other protocol. That's the one. If you don't see some data it means either your device doesn't report it or specific attributes are not supported.