configuración de sensor de combustible ultrasonido

Joer5 months ago

buen día, estoy realizando la configuración de un sensor de combustible ultrasonido en la plataforma, pero no encuentro algún submenú que me permita configurar dicho sensor y me permita ver la cantidad de combustible en plataforma.
alguna persona me puede dar información relacionado con el tema

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

It very much depends on how your device is reporting the value. If your device just reports voltage, you should probably use computed attributes to calculate fuel value.

Joer5 months ago

Good morning, I am configuring an ultrasonic fuel sensor on the platform, but I cannot find a submenu that allows me to configure the sensor and see the amount of fuel on the platform.
Can someone give me information related to this topic?

Joer5 months ago

I am working with the Coban 403b GPS, and it is calibrated as indicated by the manufacturer via text message and the GPS tells me the fuel in %, but the platform does not give me the reading, is this configuration in calculated attributes done through code programming? or should the platform have a configuration option?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Please provide the protocol documentation and some message samples.