config files

sorry my basic question, but what difference between traccar.xml and default.xml?
I did insert google geocode references on both, and I am confused becouse do not working correctly, some address doesn`t show.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

First one is the config that you add your custom configuration to. Second one is Traccar defaults and you shouldn't touch it. Read comment inside traccar.xml file.

Peter Flower6 years ago

Anton, in summary: !!! Don't touch never default.xml !!!
All the changes and override, must be done in traccar.xml

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I have recently added this:

But people will keep changing it anyway.

Edilon Carvalho 5 years ago

If I want to change traccar port I should copy this line <entry key = 'web.port'> 8082 </entry>
to traccar.xml and change the port?

cosmic3 years ago

Hello All,

can anyone please tell me what is the necessity of debug.xml where traccar has custom configuration file traccar.xml?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

We use during development, but it's the same thing.