Computed attribute for Teltonika FM3001 OBD

Giuseppe6 years ago

Hi everyone,
I'm a beginner, I'd like to see examples of code to insert as computed attribute string to display the OBD data coming from the Teltonika device FM3001, eg gasoline consumption, engine rpm, vehicle speed and I / O eg. Ble Temperature etc.
Thanks for your help.

Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

I simply don’t get what’s your requirement. Please elaborate.

jaimzj6 years ago

For FM3001 RPM and Fuel you can use the following example below

Attribute : RPM
Expression : io36 ? io36 : null

Attribute : Fuel
Expression : io48 ? io48 : null

(Similarly you can find most io values and its corresponding attributes from documentation of device)

Giuseppe6 years ago

Sorry for the delay! Thank you so much.