Compute Attributes and Notification

Don5 months ago


I use the Teltonika FMB001. Based on their wiki, io_36 is Engine RPM. I'm trying a small test case to learn Traccar's notification feature. If the Engine RPM is >= 1500, then a web notification popup should show. Here’s what I did:

Go to the Compute Attributes menu --> set the description to Engine RPM --> set the attribute to io_36, set the expression to >=1500, and then set the type to number. Then I went to the notification menu, but I didn’t know how to combine the computed attributes with the notification in this case. I expect that if the criteria in the compute attribute are triggered, the notification will run.

Can anybody advise?

Many thanks in advance.

Cristian5 months ago

this one allows you to record the RPM for reporting purposes, I use it and it works for me

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-16 a la(s) 1.21.19 p.m..png

I think the alarm should be something like this, I haven't tested it because I haven't needed it.

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-16 a la(s) 1.21.43 p.m..png

you assign the calculated attributes to the device and then create the high rpm alarm notification and assign it as well.