Compile Log (maven)

Peter Flower7 years ago

Hi, i have been working in the backend, mainly in how to add some information to a device, but minutes ago I started to see this information like this in the compile log:

[INFO] Compiling 640 source files to /Users/userpc/IntelliJ_IDEA/traccar-master-v2/target/classes
[WARNING] /Users/userpc/IntelliJ_IDEA/traccar-master-v2/src/org/traccar/protocol/[1135,56] unchecked cast
required: java.util.List<org.traccar.model.Position>
found:    java.lang.Object
[WARNING] /Users/userpc/IntelliJ_IDEA/traccar-master-v2/src/org/traccar/model/[73,48] unchecked method invocation: constructor <init> in class net.fortuna.ical4j.filter.Filter is applied to given types
  required: org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate<T>[],int
  found: org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate[],int

This is the full log: Pastebin Link to see Log

I have not been working there, I don't know what happened, I know that are WARNINGs and the compilation was successful, but I don't like to see that output. Do you have any idea about that? In addition I didn't do any change in the MAVEN scripts or something like that.

Peter Flower7 years ago

It seems it was a problem of cache in Intellij_IDEA. I did an "Invalidate Caches/Restart" and the problem was fixed.

Closed Thread

Peter Flower7 years ago

Open Case again!!
Does anyone have any clue?

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Those are just warnings. You can safely ignore them.

Peter Flower7 years ago

Well, it's ok.
Thanks dude.