Command expiry

vrish5 months ago

I have a requirement that I need to send a command to all my devices every X minutes. Its the same command that is sent every time. I'm able to send the commands via API. That's the easy part!

My question is in 2 parts: I want to ensure the commands are not queued, but expire. Is there a way to set an expiry on a command if its not delivered? If not, is there a way in which I could check if there is a command already in queue? Then I can skip the next instance of the command.

I couldn't find anything in the API.


Anton Tananaev5 months ago

You can check in the database. I don't think we have an API. But I think it might be a good idea to have an option to not queue commands.

vrish5 months ago


I thought about the DB part, but I'm hosting the Traccar environment separately and I'm not comfortable opening the ports.

Thanks for the reply. Let me see if I can figure something out.

maclofin5 months ago

I'm not 100% sure but I remember that when the command is queue the response code is 204 and when the command is sent is 200, you can handle the action through that.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Oh yeah good point. But I think it's still a good idea to have an option to skip queue.

Kaldek3 days ago

Hi Anton, I'll second adding this capability. Here's why:

We're using Traccar to send commands to disable a vehicle if it is stolen, or as a general immobiliser when parked. Essentially it's Safe Engine Cut Off (SECO) but is sent as a command via Traccar.

The command is setdigout ?1 ? 2 ? 20 which triggers the DOUT2 of the Teltonika tracker for 2 seconds if the vehicle is going less than 20km/h.

If the command is sent when a customer parkes their car in a location where the tracker is out of mobile coverage (this is happens) the command will queue until they are back in coverage and then BLAM - disabled vehicle while driving. It is SECO, so it won't cut out until they're doing 20km/h, but still....

Kaldek3 days ago

For added context, the command timeout needs to be configurable per command (or take a default) rather than global.

Kaldek2 days ago

I note that the preview version (I assume soon to be v6.7) has this capability. It's not a configurable timeout, but I'll take it.

Command No Queue.png

Kaldek2 days ago

Anton if a Saved Command is set to No Queue, what command result will the user get? Something like "command not sent, device offline"?

vrish2 days ago

This is pretty neat. I'm assuming it will be available in the API

It doesn't matter if it's a saved command or not saved. The result is the same. If you try to send and device is not online, you will get an error.