Combining alerts

Marco4 months ago

Hi, I'm new here and I feel lost managing alerts in general and more specifically more than one alert in a use case with scheduled geofence check and antitampering.

First I created an alert at group level that sends an email if the Status field containes a particular bit for anti-tampering alarm:

Screenshot from 2024-11-07 15-42-59.png

It worked well: when the anti-tampering sensor was activated I received an email.

Then I tried adding an email alert if the devices of the group where entering and exiting a geofence:

Screenshot from 2024-11-07 15-48-16.png

and I started receiving also email messages for geofencing when triggering new positions uploads by activating the antitampering sensor.

The problem is that I didn't receive any messages when the device reported a position outside of the geofence at the scheduled interval (without triggering the antitampering sensor)

So I supposed those links in the group connections form work somehow with an AND logic and tried creating different groups for different alerts:
a group DevicesGroup with no connections and a group TamperingGroup that includes DevicesGroup connecting the anti-tampering computed-attributes/notification and a group GeofenceGroup that also includes DevicesGroup for connecting the geofencing geofences/notifications.

I only received a "has exited geofence" email alert once and nothing else after triggering the anti-tampering sensor inside the geofence a few times.
I tried reading more than once the events and notifications docs and a dozen of posts but I can't understand how it works, maybe there is some example of combining more alerts/alarms?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You cannot combine alerts.

Marco4 months ago

Maybe I chose the wrong title, instead of "combining alerts" I should have written "distinguishing alerts", I mean I suppose it is possible to receive alerts when a device is outside of a geofence (ignoring anti-tampering status) and receive also alarms when a device sends a tampering status (ignoring geofencing)?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Notifications can only be limited by a calendar, not geofence.

Marco4 months ago

I don't need to limit my geofencing alerting but also beeing alerted on other events, maybe my question is too obvious and you don't understand what I don't understand :)
In a geofence scenario with no limitations/calendars where I get an email if my devices exit a certain geofence, if I also need to be alerted if the device is tampered (in any case inside or outside the geofence) how could I manage it?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You just enable tampering alert if you want to receive it regardless of geofences. You don't need to do anything special.

Marco4 months ago

Is the second screenshot of my first post not "enable tampering alert" if a geofence is already present? I don't understand how I should configure the connections of the group for having both alerts (indipendently).

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

All connections are completely independent.

Marco4 months ago

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean, in my web interface if I click on the link icon I see only one Connections form and I don't know what I should insert in those fields if the second screenshot is not correct.
Is that configuration correct?
If not, what would you put inside that frame to enable two indipendent alerts?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

It's correct. All notifications are always independent.

Marco4 months ago

Ok, I will investigate deeper why it doesn't work.
Splitting the problem with nested groups to keep things cleaner did also behave strangely as described in the first post, but conceptually:

if I have

  • a group A of devices with no connections and
  • a group B with no devices that contains group A and the connections to send alarms

shouldn't I receive alerts for events related to those devices in group A?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago


Marco4 months ago

Perfect, so my alternative solution of splitting my group into three groups:

  • DevicesGroup with no connections and associated to all devices
  • TamperingGroup that includes DevicesGroup and connects the anti-tampering computed-attribute with the Alarm Tampering notification
  • GeofenceGroup that also includes DevicesGroup and connects the Geofence1 with the Geofence entered and exited notifications

should indeed work?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

It doesn't make any sense to split groups. All notifications are separate anyway.

Marco4 months ago

I agree, if it would work with a single group (but id didn't) there would be no need to split a group, but I would like to know if splitting groups should work also because it could make sense in another scenario where I need to get alerted only when exiting from geofence1 and when entering in geofence2: if you mix entering and exiting notifications with geofence1 and geofence2 geofences in the same group connections interface you would get alerted also when entering in geofence1 and exiting from geofence2.
I would like to know if this approach of splitting groups should work or there are some known limitations that prevent it.