Coban attributes not working

Webgenius6 months ago

Hello, I have issues getting coban attributes to make sense to me.
Currently I receive the data properly but attributes that is sent by the device is as below
{status=69, ignition=, charge=1, blocked=, batteryLevel=100, rssi=4, distance=0, totalDistance=248133.78, motion=, sat=6}
I just added the device and I am getting attribute with a totalDistance of 248133.78 which cannot be, I do not think I recieve all attributes properly configured.
I also want to setup External Power Unplug but I cannot find any attribute to use for that.
Please I need help in setting up proper attributes as the default standard attributes makes no sense to me.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Total distance is not reported by your device. It's calculated on the server side.

You should check what your device is actually reporting. Check HEX from logs against the protocol documentation.