CJ730 Plus 4G (YunTrack)

slydiman6 months ago


CJ730 Plus 4G (YunTrack) uses the protocol H02 (traccar port 5013).

  1. The admin phone number must start with the symbol +.
    The SMS command must be something like: admin123456 +79901234567.
    First of all try to set the admin number when you can still access the device via the manufacturers's tracking site gpscj.com because it is impossible to reset settings via the traccar server.
    Send the following SMS for checking: status.
    If the admin number is correct you will receive something like BAT:9,GPRS:1,GSM:5,GPS:0,ACC:0,oil:1,Power:1,S:1
    If there is no response, use gpscj.com site to reset your device to factory settings and set the correct admin number.

  2. To set the server IP use the following SMS: adminip123456 your_IP:5013
    Note the symbol : between IP and port.
    The SMS command adminip123456 may not work if the admin number is already set. Try to reset to factory settings by SMS begin123456 or temporarily remove the admin number by SMS noadmin123456.
    You can restore the default IP to gpscj.com using the following SMS: adminip123456

  3. Note the traccar command Engine Stop to activate the relay works just fine. But the command Engihe Resume does not work. Use the SMS 666 for now.