Chinese GPS Tracker

davidfungf9 years ago

I have a GPS router which is made by a Chinese vendor. It returns the following GPS data. Any suggestion which protocol I could use? Thanks.

router id: 35778404800026_R23223422,
date: 160728,
time: 071454.
satellite: 0,04,
lat: 2234.224660,
long: 11356.633083,
speed: 0.0,
degree: 315.8,
FS: 1,
HDOP: 1.9,
MSL: 42.0
Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Does it send this format over GPRS? I need to see raw data in HEX format.

davidfungf9 years ago

Thank you for your follow up. Here is the hex message:

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It looks like Homtecs protocol, port 5104.

davidfungf9 years ago

Thank you for your support.