Change the color of a POI Layer Track

DeanoX2 years ago

Is it possible to define the color of a track within the POI Layer KML File - mine all appear as ligthblue (with dots) depsite them referencing a different style within the file (which works in Google Earth).

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It's not configurable currently.

eichenwinda year ago

Is there an update. I would like to use different colors or Icons.

spoortracka year ago

Hi Anton, is there a feature request for this, and if not, can I create one?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

There could be one. I recommend searching.

eichenwind10 months ago

Hi Anton, I do not get it. What do you mean by "I recommend searching". In the KML file i defined a color for a Track here #red

                    <description>Track no. 1</description>

but the POIs is still in cyan.

DeanoX10 months ago

Anton has confirmed its not yet currently supported however the relevant feature request is open on Github for the Traccar-Web interface element

Be great to have extra support for the feature request.