Capture Photo

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

You would have to provide proper full session log, including all photo packets and the initial one. Please make sure you upload it as a file somewhere instead of posting directly in the comment.

João Cortes5 years ago

Good afternoon.

Follow the link:

Thank you very much.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It doesn't download anything for me.

João Cortes5 years ago
João Cortes5 years ago

Other information, when I send the command through the system it doesn't capture the photo and send it, but when an SMS it sends normally, it just doesn't create the link for viewing, but it is sent to the media folder.
Thank you.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Just tested your sample on the latest version of Traccar and Chrome browser. Everything works as expected and I can click on the link.

João Cortes5 years ago

Good morning, how are you?

I'm using version 4.10, with ubuntu 16.04 64 bit LTS, with Mysql.
The photos are sent to the server and still do not create the link to view by the system, but inside the media folder on the server, the photos are all ok!
I also tested with version 4.2, this version does not create the media folder so the photos do not reach the server.

Thank you.