Cannot login, cannot register

ildar3 years ago

10 minutes ago I could not login on my iPad.
Wrong password.
Tried to login in Chrome - same, wrong password.

Tried to register - see this error:

Also there is no possibility to restore a password.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Just use different email or different demo server. I'm assuming you're still talking about demo.

ildar3 years ago

Yes, it is still demo3....
After some time I logged in on web, same password.
But mobile iPad client stopped starting.
10 minutes ago it displayed that "login screen", not it shows a blank screen with a "load failed" text.

ildar3 years ago

A bit later managed to login from a mobile iPad client.
Do not know what it could be.
I suspected network issues - but at least Safari opened some sites on iPad...