Here are the Linux commands I use to truncate old data:
mysqldump --skip-lock-tables -t -u root -p traccar positions --where="id IN (SELECT positionid FROM devices)" > positions.sql
mysql -u root -p traccar --execute="TRUNCATE positions"
mysql -u root -p traccar --execute="TRUNCATE events"
mysql -u root -p traccar < positions.sql
rm positions.sql
Hola, Anton. buenas noches.
Sigue siendo esto valido para la version de traccar 4.14 en debian 11 con MariaDB?
Не понял.
Hello, Anton. Good night.
Is this still valid for the version of traccar 4.14 on debian 11 with MariaDB?
It's outdated. You need to change table names. Add tc_
We have the configuration deployed for production and running for almost 4 months. We just require the previous 1 month data for reports. So, can we directly go ahead and delete the data from the positions table directly which is old and we don't require. Will this cause some issue on the server or not? As deleting data will make the positions api to run faster.