Calamp LMU-2630 setup problems

Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs i have ordered 2 different kinds from att. They have a att M sim with unlimited data only at 64kbps. And a IoT sim with 2 Mb per month. But i dont think either plan has sms. Ill need to research on which plan to use.

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - I calculated (in a spreadsheet) what the packet sizes (based on my configs) were for Calamp and the Teltonika were and the packet sizes weren't much so 64kbps shouldn't be an issue.

Calamps used 54 Bytes per message (includes the acknowledgement from Traccar) and Teltonika units use 78 Bytes for the same.

For Teltonika units - you shouldn't need SMS but you would for Calamp (if you ever want to change setting remotely).

If you are in the US - then you have the sun-setting of some frequencies to consider as well.

Brad Cox2 years ago

i havent gotten the calamp yet but i have the teltonika. im still trying to figure out what to do with the data going into traccar. im wanting a email/sms sent to me when the digital input and ignition comes in. i can see the ignition light the engine in traccar but no alerts are sent.

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - I think you may possibly need to look into Computed Attributes ( and have an SMS gateway configured (which would send an SMS to your phone). I've played with neither (yet).

Brad Cox2 years ago

I did get the lmu-2630. im waiting on my usb to serial ttl adapter to come. is there a way to program these over sms?

I do have access to calamps CTC admin. but i have to setup my apn first.

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox,

According to the documentation you need to initially set the initial parameters:

AT$APP PARAM 2306,0,"APN_NAME" - The APN in double qoutes.
AT$APP PARAM 2306,1,"" - Just double qoutes.

AT$APP PARAM 2314,0,"YOUR_APN_USER" - THE APN User in double quotes
AT$APP PARAM 2314,1,"" - Just double quotes

AT$APP PARAM 2315,0,"YOUR_APN_PASSWORD" - THE APN Password in double quotes
AT$APP PARAM 2315,1,"" - Just double quotes

AT$APP PARAM 2319,0,"YOUR_SERVER_IP" - Your Server IP in double quotes.
AT$APP PARAM 2319,0,"" - Last value is just 2 double quotes. This will wipe the 2nd entry if there is one

AT$APP PARAM 769,0,5082 - Your setting the Comm Port here (for Traccar).

AT$APP PARAM 768,0,A_NUMBER_HERE - A_NUMBER_HERE, this is your server IP has a 32 bit integer. Google for online converters.

The above are AT commands.

According to the documentation if you want to use SMS:

Parameter Write Request
!R1 {parameter write string}
This request allows the equivalent of an AT$APP PARAM command to be initiated remotely via SMS. The <parameter >write string> should match the format of the AT$APP PARAM command. That is, it should contain a CSV string >containing the Parameter ID, the Parameter Index and one or more values depending on the Parameter ID. No response >is sent back to the originating mobile.

So for the example of

AT$APP PARAM 2306,0,"APN_NAME" - AT version

so to convert it to an SMS command is as follows:

!R1,2306,0,"APN_NAME" - SMS Version, (no spaces unlike the AT command).

Or if that doesn't behave,

!R1 2306,0,"APN_NAME" - SMS Version.

If you send:

!R0 - that's a zero on the end.

you should get an SMS back with GPS info but the APN will be in the beginning of the message.

You can send most of the AT commands using the SMS version except the S Register commands. They are actually shortcuts for setting various bits on "regular" parameters but it's a pain to work out the "bits" that need setting.

For setting it to use the IMEI

AT$APP IMEI so !R0 IMEI might work but ESN is the default and I think Traccar will work fine with that too.



Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs Got it!!

do you know if there is a way to pull the power supply voltage into a field? If setting this up on a machine what ever voltage is feeding into the tracker id want reported. Is that in the param 512?

Brad Cox2 years ago

also is there a command to see all of the settings in putty?

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox;

  1. Supply voltage:

Parameter 512 isn't a parameter like other ones (i.e. where you tell to it to use either the ESN or IMEI). 512 is where the "programming" of the unit's behavior takes places, and is made up of triggers, conditions and actions to take. To complicate it further - all 3 can have modifiers. 1 set (of all 3) or "command" per index line and run like a line in the main loop of say an arduino and capable of "stepping" out to other "sub-routines" and then step back into the flow.

AT$APP PARAM 512,XX,3,0,0,0,47,0,0,0 - where XX is the next free 512 parameter index that you are not using.

hopefully configures it to report the Vcc voltage, on Power Up (i.e. running) or on wake up. It should report the Vehicle Power with every Event report . It should be visible in acc0.

  1. command to see all settings in putty: never found one.
Brad Cox2 years ago

So on the calamps. Im looking for ignition on and off. As well as supply voltage, towing without ignition.(equipment moving from location to location via tow truck) and the 4 inputs.

Is there a easyway to make these work?

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - if you follow what I wrote in my 1st post on this thread, that will get you:

  1. Ignition on\off
  2. Movement*** (with or without ignition). With ignition off (attribute in Traccar will say off) - that's towing.
  3. Supply voltage - you'll need to add the 512 line I gave you in my last post (XX will be 8) before the reboot command.

The 4 inputs - you've lost me there.

*** - Even a truck driving past close by, may cause a "movement" alert. This isn't peculiar to Calamp, most trackers exhibit this behaviour.

Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs can you email me?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Please don't share personal contact information on this forum.

ivica8 months ago

Hello guys,
I got TTU2830LA that i got trouble getting it connected to the network, i get slow and fast flashing amber, the unit responds to texts messages but has no data connection. I got this unit from ebay, i am wondering if maybe it is locked to work only with verizon or att, i am using US cellular iot sim

Radio Access : LTE
Network Reg. : Yes, Roaming
Data Reg. : Yes, Roaming
Connection : No (PPP 5, 3600sec)
Ref Sig Rcvd Pwr: -108 dBm [Fair]
Ref Sig Rcvd Qty: -7.0 dBm [Excellent]
Channel : 5110
Cell ID : 51468416
Base Station ID : 0
Trking Area Code: 16680
Network Code : 410
Country Code : 310
IMEI (Modem S/N): 357766098607174
IMSI (SIM ID) : 311588000136986
ICC-ID (SIM S/N): 89015809000258343057
Phone Number :
GPRS APN : usc00000.enterprise0.usc-cdp
Maint. Server :
Inbound Server :
Primary Service : srvc(0) log(0) radio(0) inbnd_index(0) mode(0)

I would appriciate any feedback.

Dibbs8 months ago

@ivica - have you actually tried to reset the unit? And then tried to "program" it - following the instruction on page 1 of this thread (that I posted)?

I ask because the Maint. Server is the standard out of the box Calmap one and the Inbound Server is pointing to a Navixy server.

Also, Calamp units will do nothing once they have been reset. PEG (Programmable Event Generator) entries need to exist to tell the unit to communicate when certain events take place.