Calamp LMU-2630 setup problems

Dibbs5 years ago

@Sobek - how did you get on with setting up the Calamps?


Baker3 years ago

@Dibbs Extremely impressive & knowledgeable!

Would anyone happen to know how to update the firmware to the latest CalAmp 86b / 49 using AT commands for the LMU 2630???

@Bloedhond & @Rajeswary I learned from you as well. Thanks all!

Dibbs3 years ago

@Baker - never really bothered to look into updating firmware to be honest. All the documentation I've got on these things - it mentions nothing on firmware update. The only mention I've come across is

Use a serial terminal program such as HyperTerm with the YModem protocol

Open the terminal program (HyperTerm) and connect to the serial port at 115200 8N1
Enter “ATDNLD” and the unit will be ready for the file transfer
Using the YModem protocol, send the firmware binary to the unit

The this last line, I've no idea. You'd need to know what firmware the unit is currently on (I suspect when it boots up and DEBUG is on - it may well list it) and you would need newer firmware for the unit (I've not looked for any tbh).

I've got 10 of these in use & not felt the need to upgrade the firmware (yet).


Baker3 years ago

@Dibbs Thanks so much for the reply. CalAmp put out a bulletin that some of the LMU 2630 devices will need a firmware update prior to February 22nd for the devices to continue to work.

"URGENT: AT&T 3G Network Sunset – Required Firmware Update
AT&T has announced their 3G (UMTS/HSPA) network sunset planned for February 22nd, 2022.
As a result, this shutdown may cause CalAmp LTE CAT-1 edge devices to lose cellular connectivity which
will affect the device’s ability to communicate, unless their firmware is updated.
To avoid business disruptions caused by out-of-date firmware, CalAmp has validated firmware in
accordance with the respective cellular radio vendors and AT&T that will retain LTE CAT-1 product
functionality for the communicated shutdown date.
For clarity, this mandatory firmware update differs from previous CalAmp technical bulletins issued in July
of 2021 and is an additional, supporting configuration change dictated by the carrier, AT&T. The firmware
update subject to this communication is based on the most recent mandates by AT&T and should be prioritized."

Brad Cox2 years ago

Bringing up a old post. Im looking into calamps for monitoring. Is traccar able to see the status inputs on these devices?

Dibbs2 years ago

@Baker Cox - I know the LMU2630 has at least 1 digital input, I haven't configured the units to use it, but I suspect Traccar might see the status in one of the Acc fields, or whatever the latest version calls them.

Plus, I'm not sure what the additional PEG lines\commands are, that would be required - it's been some time since I went over the commands.

Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs are you currently using them still? Or have you moved to something else?

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - yes still have 10+ in use. Use some Teltonika units as well. I do like the Calamp units, even tho the programming is using Putty & no graphical interface as I can do IF THEN ELSE (sort of) type of constructs. Something that isn't possible with Teltonika units.

Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs do you have to be setup with calamp or teltonika to use them? I have emails and calls into both but if i dont need them ill have to figure out where to buy them.

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - you don't have to be set up with Teltonika to use the trackers. The "configuration" front end\GUI\Tool is freely available, irrespective of where or who you bought the unit from. Their support forum is good and open to everyone and they respond quite quickly. The only thing you can't freely get your hands on is firmware updates. For this you have to have an account manager (that means having volume agreements in place with a minimum spend each month\qtr\year).

Calamp - again you can use the units but only if you know your way around the programming "language" they use and the quirks\syntax. Calamp is a closed world - so you can't get firmware or any kind of support (forum or otherwise) unless you have an agreement with them. And then they are going to want to tie you into their back end infrastructure\systems etc.

Teltonika units are openly sold by their resellers\distributors. Calamp - you kind of have to source from the Grey market.

Brad Cox2 years ago

Dang so pick your poison kind of thing.

I know nothing about either so id need support to get the syntax. But teltonika would probly be ok for what id need to do. Basic tracking and would like to monitor a few inputs. Is traccar right for this?

Dibbs2 years ago

Teltonika - apart from direct access to firmware updates - their support is A* (via their forum), easy to configure and you get at least 1 digital input (maybe more on some model). They are cheap and rock solid and they will accept some commands from Traccar directly (IIRC) - I think you will be fine.

There are some minor quirks - i.e. one particular thing doesn't work the way you think it does (certainly for me). I can't recall off the top of my head - but I did have a lengthy interchange with the Support folk on the forum about it and got to the bottom of it. It runs how I wanted it to run, but perhaps the configuration software screen didn't "explain" it right or looked counter-intuitive or the documentation was a bit off.

I'll try to recall or look up what it was about - if you want more info.

If whoever you buy from is an "approved" reseller, they should set you up a Tektonika FOTA (Firmware Over the Air) account and add the units they sell you - that way the units will get firmware updates without you doing anything. The seller probably won't add units they didn't sell you.

Traccar - I like it. I'd like the GUI\Web Interface to behave a little different and\or have additional functionality from a "reporting" perspective. People (me included) like KPI's etc. It's on my list of things to tinker with.

I don't have any skin in the game either way with Teltonika nor Calamp - just my experiences.

Brad Cox2 years ago

Thanks for your thoughts. Ill create an account and see where i can order one in the us to test out.

Brad Cox2 years ago

@Dibbs what type of plan do these require? Are they iot or M plans or just a voice plan?

Dibbs2 years ago

@Brad Cox - the SIMs should really be IOT\M2M ones (with roaming included - if required). You need to know how the operator "rounds up" data usage, i.e. is it per packet or per session (and how long do they classify a session) If they are "reasonable" people - they will round up per session and a session can be 24hrs if the device is sending data packets every 10-20s, or say 24 hrs, whichever comes 1st.

Others - will round up each packet to the nearest KB: you can have your pants pulled down on data usage charges that way.

IOT\M2M SIMs usually come with just data - either an inclusive amount per month and then chargeable above that. Those charges should be made clear (along with the rounding mechanism).

Some IOT\M2M SIMs can do "Mobile Terminating SMSs" - i.e. they can receive one. Some can do "Mobile Originating SMSs", i.e. they can send one. Some can do both.

With the SMSs - some have no network limitations (i.e. they can send\receive to any network) and some have limitations (same network only or just within the operator's network). Some can only receive SMSs (Mobile Terminating) from the operator's web control panel. Some include x nbr a month, some charge like 10 cents per SMS. It varies.

Regular ones - will work too, and if a consumer type plan - the rounding up per packet\session isn't usually an issue.