you need to make some code changes but it is possible, in app.min.js look for '' and add in (with the other bing options)
key: 'bingOS',
name: Strings.mapBingOS
Then under '' add a new case for bingOS,
case 'bingOS':
server = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.BingMaps({
key: bingKey,
imagerySet: 'ordnanceSurvey'
Finally in the EN.json file find the other mapBing entries and add...
"mapBingOS": "Bing Ordnance Survey",
then you should be up and running !
I have followed these instructions but haven't seen any changes.
Should I see BingOS in the map list on Traccar? or is there another step?
What version are you using ? This was for the older simple web version I assume you’re on the modern one now ?
Should have read the dates! Have you managed this with Traccar 5 at all?
Yes - check out your other post on the same thing ;)
Hi All!
I'm trying to access the Bing Ordinance Survey layer, without much success. Is there a way to enable it as an option?