Average speed seems wrong

x6883992 years ago

I just took a sumary of my last week of driving.

Screen dump

I was driving quite some distance each day, but my average speed seems very low - less than 1 km/h.
How is this calculated? Am I doing something wrong?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

What version?

x6883992 years ago


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

My guess is that most of the time devices didn't move, so the average is close to zero.

x6883992 years ago

If I look at 2022-08-31 there was a lot of movement almost all day long.
You can see the trip summary here:

Screen Dump

That can't result in 0 km/h average.

x6883992 years ago

If you want, you can get a sql dump from that day.
Maybe that can help.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Sure. Please create a ticket on GitHub and attach an SQL dump for one device for one day.

x6883992 years ago

Thanks - ticket opened :)
Have a nice day - and thanks for your good work