Autologin with default user in /simple/index.html

Bulli4 years ago

I'd like have a single url, that works exactly as the simple/index.html, but with automatic login as special (readonly) user.
So I'd be able to create a widget on a mobile, that shows current locations of devices. The widget is not able to login, it just can display a fixed url.

I tried with adding

xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic' + btoa('ro-user:ro-pwd'));

to app.js, but that didn't work.

Anyone an idea?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Just pass a token as a query parameter?

Bulli4 years ago

OK, so simple ;) Works in a browser, the error is not in web-app but in the Phone-App ("Glimpse"), that seems to be unable to display the content correctly. I'll contact the developer.